Roaaar! Creeeekk! Haha, yea I know, animal!! Today my family and I went to th ZOO!! It was FUN but also SAD. FUN coz we spent time together, SAD coz some of th animals are gone. Esp Inuka th Polar Bear, it's gone. O ya, I dono y people just like to drive slow tis days, juz nw, my Dad was driving on PIE. First, a stupid pink cab, drove at 80km/h. Okay uh, fine, u wana drive 80, then go th middle lane la, dun go th 1st lane la! So fine uh, my Dad horned him, still slow, so my Dad went to th 2nd lane, wow! So near sia, like cn hit. Then, can speed aredi uh, after tt, my Dad had to tailgate a Honda Stream, infront was a super slow SUV, so yea, PEOPLE, DRIVE FASSST!! And yea, went to cut hair just now, at Snip Avenue, I din noe my Mom cut there sia! So yea, she recommended me there. After me and my bros cut hair, go Bedok Corner, eat dinner uh then wad?? Damn, saw my mate's car. Like wth sia, same number, same mods, same color. O ya, he's cool, lemme tell ya, his family is rich, he drives a Camry, Dad drives a 7 Series, Mom drives Odyssey EXV!! Cool rite?? Now on MSN, damn! Vonnie online liao!! Wad else? Chat with her uh den wad?? O ya, before I forget, Happy Advance 17th Birthday ALINA!! ~